Thunderbirds cannot speak our languages, and we cannot speak theirs. We can understand each other given practice, or use translator programs if we lack it, but those options do not fill one serious hole in our communications. Names. The inability for us to say their names or for them to say ours requires a dual naming system so we can know who we are referring to when we speak. Owain Reese chose his name after careful study of our culture, when word reached them that we were assembling the fleets at Sunnydale. Owain was a veteran starfighter pilot when The War began, and was part of the actions that repulsed the Shang advance into Thunderbird space. Owain volunteered to join the force coming to Sunnydale, and then volunteered once more to join my Cowboys after they arrived. He is a prime example of what they can bring to the table when we need them.

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