One of the things I find interesting about writing Jack of Harts is just how much time I spend researching on the various subjects I write about. World War II is a repeat subject for a lot of reasons. One is that I write Jack of Harts like World War II in space. We started out as a land at peace, forced into War by a sneak attack. So there is a lot of scrambling. But one thing I like to do with my writing is having some realistic fleets. I look to World War II as an example. It is really our best example of a grand war, and the ship lists are truly amazing. Hundreds of names dot them, so when I’m looking to name a few dozen ships for a battlegroup, I just go to the World War II ship lists and see what catches my attention. Almost every name that has seen print in my stories was used in World War II. That is a sobering thing to think of. It is my way of remembering and honoring those who have and do serve our country. It is my way of making certain the names of our past are not forgotten.