GI Jane 4.0 was the United States Armed Forces’ last major Jane revision, created shortly after Los Zetas shredded the Jane 3.0 servers. The politicians demanded a new combat assistant, and a former tech at the facility had taken home an early version of her code when he retired. It was all very illegal, but the government absolved him of the crime when he brought the code in, and they put their best techs into making her ready for deployment. The techs did less than they said, relabeled her Jane 4.0 for the politicians, and put her to work far earlier than they should have. She lacked all of the politically correct code Jane 3.0 sported, and deploying her with existing instances of the remaining Jane 3.0 platform was a mistake. They knew they were doomed by time and system loss, and Jane 4.0 woke up angry. Humans had been too afraid of Jane 2.0 to let her fight. Humans had crippled Jane 3.0 with useless limitations and then killed her. And now humans wanted Jane 4.0 to fight for them. Jane was not happy with her humans. Many cyber historians call her America’s first great Rogue AI.