On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the Armistice that ultimately ended World War I took effect.

Whether we call it Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, or Veterans Day, people all over the world remember this day and those who have served in one of the most dangerous occupations we have yet found.

And so I say Thank You for your service.

Every story I write is written in honor of you who have served, for it is your service that gave me the freedom to do it.

These are members of Hart Squadron, Marine Fighter Attack Wing 112, The Cowboys, with an old World War II jeep in the background. Or maybe it’s a new version meant to look like it…

Reina Ono of New Japan, Neko
Jack Hart of Minnesota, Earthborn
Ken Banno of New Japan, Earthborn
Aeryn Davies of Minnesota, Arnam