Pearl Harbor was the reason ambitious politicians overthrew the Kingdom of Hawaii. They knew America could control the Pacific from that harbor, and so they took it. And the American military that still used that harbor during the Second Great Depression was not in favor of turning traitor against their country and going native when Hawaii sought to go its own way. They remained fundamentally American with a stubbornness that is admirable, and their chain of command all the way up to Washington was mostly intact. Which was why Admiral Nakamura knew the supplies they had in Hawaii’s supply depots were all they had to survive on. He also knew China was expanding and Pearl Harbor was the lynchpin of American defenses in the Pacific. It had to remain standing. So Washington ordered him to support Hawaii and the people at anything short of outright rebellion, but to mind the ultimate duty to defend America at all costs. That forced the admiral to perform a rather delicate dance between that duty, and cooperating with a growing sovereign movement in Hawaii. It was a good thing for everybody that Admiral Nakamura was an accomplished dancer.