One more day, another day, another des… well… another something. Though I’m really hoping this is not our destiny as that song goes. Come to think of it, that song wasn’t the cheeriest of songs. So let’s go on to something better.

This election has done something no other election has. The tens of thousands of supporters who showed up in bad or cold weather did something new. The boat and car and truck parades going on for miles did something new. The campaign created a wave front of votes that pushed back against the Democrat House majority when every poll suggested the Republicans would lose ten or twenty seats. It generated enough enthusiasm to stop a Democrat takeover of the Senate. And it resulted in the largest number of votes for a Presidential candidate in American history.

The Democrats locked entire States down, fined people for going to church, arrested business owners who dared to work, and tried to shame people for going outside. They said we wanted to kill grandma if we dared to want to go shopping, even as they sent sick people to the nursing homes to KILL grandma. They used COVID-19 to fundamentally change the nature of our election system in key States, all to make it safer for people to vote. Or so they said. The simple fact is that it is easier to commit fraud with mail-in ballots than it is with in-person balloting. That is what they thought would win them this election.

But the energetic crowds went to the polls in unprecedented numbers and broke every projection of every mainstream pollster, media, or political pundit. And that forced the Democrats to up their game. Instead of the modest fraud of a few trunkloads of votes delivered to a few key locations, they had to go wholesale to pull the election back to their favored candidate after the Election Night turnout.

They had to stop the counting in key precincts so they could generate one hundred thousand vote batches to bring the vote anywhere close to… close. They had to backdate postage stamps on we don’t even know how many votes. They had to deny trained, certified, and registered poll watchers from entering their counting places. They had to expel poll watchers, to the cheers of vote counters, so they could run up hundreds of thousands of votes without being watched. They had to put other poll watchers behind barricades dozens to a hundreds of feet away from the counting stations so nobody could see what was happening. They had to put cardboard and paper sheets in front of observation galleries. They had to move the scanners farther when ordered to allow the poll watchers closer. They had to ignore court orders specifically commanding them to allow poll watchers real and reasonable access to the votes, as they continued to count the votes after closing their areas to any poll watchers at all. Their friends in the media had to censor politicians who talked about this, or cut away from them in news conferences to call them liars for speaking the simple truth that anyone can see.

Our Republic depends on at least the veneer of a free and fair election process. People have to believe that our votes matter, and that every vote can help decide who represents us. People have to believe that our voices matter, and that those who represent us will listen to our voices. That is the foundation of our Republic. That is what has made us work, more or less, for over two centuries. The fact that, in theory even if not always in practice, We The People decide what our nation will do. And that our representatives in the government will follow our decisions.

This year our votes mattered. Every single one of them mattered. Because we forced them to activate what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” to have any hope of overriding our voices. And that forced them to do it so openly and so egregiously that no one who wants free and fair elections can look at what is going on right now and say that this is normal. It’s out in the open. No more jokes about the dead rising up and voting are needed. Because the joke is right in front of us for all to see.

We’ve revealed those behind the curtain who want to fundamentally transform the United States of America. Everyone can see them now.

Our votes did this. Be proud of that, my fellow Americans.

Now we just have to make certain the vote sticks, and that those who represent us do as we told them to do. That could be rather ticklish, because in some cases they have shown a rather large dislike towards doing that. As well as a general dislike of us…