We created the rumors that John Smith was a Cowboy because it would help us recruit more people to the Wolfenheim Project. The Cowboys were already famous at the time, some might use the word infamous, and the name brought much attention to our project. And John Smith was as photogenic as anybody could wish for the face of a new project. He was certainly much better looking than Malcolm or I ever were. And he compared favorably to Olivia, who was a hero in her own right. The two of them did wonders for our press. The Hero of Serenity and New Earth on the one hand, and the ridiculously name John Smith on the other. No one ever believed that was his real name, and the rumors that he was a former Cowboy forced into a new life by vengeful superiors played off the reality of Olivia’s ridiculous court martial. Those two were a perfect storm that gave the Wolfenheim Project life. And John Smith played his role with a baby-faced innocence that was magnificent. Yes, I am proud to say that he was a Cowboy. He was one of the best of us.

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