I saw the most recent Marvel Cinematic Universe movie the day it opened, and I had fun. Our titular hero went small and big in his perennial effort to do right by maybe doing a little wrong. He’s a devoted family man who just wants to spend time with his daughter, and his daughter proves herself as one of the smarter people in the movie. All without making everybody else look stupid I might add. She’s smart in a way that cuts through all of the rationalizations we adults put into our thoughts.

This movie goes deeper into the background of the original movie, in a good way, and helps to build this part of the franchise into something that may be less side story and more required watching before the next Avengers movie kicks off. It is a fun and light hearted movie, an adventure so large it’s tiny, with some rescue efforts and some awkward family bonding moments mixed in.

This can be watched without seeing Infinity War, though it does take place during that movie. The people in this movie simply have no idea it’s going on and have nothing to do with it. The first credit’s scene will make more sense if you’ve seen Infinity War, though. And that’s all I’ll say.

This movie gets two truth-serum induced ramblings raised way high. That will make more, or maybe less, sense to you once you see the movie. But trust me…they are just about worth the price of admission themselves. 😉