Lower Janga is a border province between Limaria, Atropia, and Ariana. It became host to a three-year war that killed thirty thousand people outright and created over a million refugees. The Donovians brokered a ceasefire in the end, but constant small-scale skirmishes and sniper fire have kept tensions in the area high. Irregular forces backing and backed by each government, or Ariana, have built a complex system of tunnels all over the region, and they often fight each other when the main armies are trying not to start another major war. Of note is the Ariana support of the Limarian Liberation Front, an ally in the effort to spread their version of militant Islam all over the world. Should the LLF succeed in taking over the region, they would surely export their terrorism to other nations. American soldiers training in this fictional battleground have their work cut out for them.