Several politicians performed State of the Union or rebuttal speeches today. The most powerful quote of the night for me came from Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa. “You shouldn’t have to wake up every morning and worry about the next thing the government is going to do to you, your business, or your children.” My personal life changed very little due to the nature of my job. But I’ve seen businesses shut down because of the government lockdowns, and I personally lost several thousand dollars to them. And I’ve seen my best friends’ children traumatized by everything the schools did to them in the last two years. So that quote really resonates with me. This is the second time in my life that government mandates came down into my personal life and financially injured me. And what happened to my friends’ children is unconscionable. Never Forget what they did to us and our children. Remember it in the months to come when they try to change their tune to get our votes.