Fighter cybers usually shut down when their pilot died back then, but Drew Keawe’s refused to. Drew had made her promise to try to live if she died, and I jumped in to help with bells on. Jasmine became a best friend, an inspired coconspirator, and an amazing troublemaker. Oh, we got into so much trouble. We still do in fact. What she never was, was MY cyber. We never developed the classic fighter-pilot amalgam that I did with Betty, though she has always done an amazing job of mimicking it in combat. I always assumed she never took the final step because she was born to be with Drew, and just didn’t want that kind of relationship again. I was right, and I was wrong. The fact is that Drew was still alive. Or more accurately, she came back, after Jasmine latched onto me. That made all of our lives rather more complicated than any of us expected.
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