One thing to remember about Drew Keawe is that she is no princess in need of rescue by a do-gooder hero. I may be absolutely willing to fill the role whenever needed, you understand, but she is fully capable of taking care of herself. Whenever Drew travels on Star Kingdom business, she goes fully armed, and when people with ill intentions towards her act on them, she is always ready and willing to defend herself. That said, her Jasmine is a wrecking ball, and any Cowboy in the area will pretty much teleport into action to support her as well. It’s what we do-gooders do. And in the end, Drew is one of us. She is family, and so whether or not she needs our help, we will always be there to give it. And the fact that she always smiles and proceeds to challenge everyone around her to fight up to her level makes it all the more fun.

If you want to know more, check Drew out at