When Louis Mattioli volunteered to fight, he was not good enough to earn a spot in the front line fighter forces. But he was an excellent pilot, and the reserves needed pilots real bad. The Alpha Centauri reserves were happy to have someone as famous and rich as him in their number, and they used him as a recruiting tool. Then we came in. Charles gave him a Family supersoldier serum, and he soon developed most of the faster reflexes we Ageless had. He said he never got precognition, but he could fake it good enough to pass all the tests we needed him to. I could beat him five ways to Sunday on the training mat, but he could hold his own behind the stick of fighter. I still can’t explain it even now. The Earth-designed supersoldier serums were always weird like that. Unreliable but useful when they worked right. Louis was an example of them working. Mostly. We figured it was good enough. Not entirely certain we were right.