Louis Mattioli is a good man. He hasn’t always been, and he has paid the price for that, but he has chosen to be good in the life he has now. I will aid him on his current path. I owe him that. I also owe him the real story of the man we called Snake. I will write it, and he will be the first to see it. And if he wants, it will then be released to the public so everybody knows who that man really was. What Louis walked away from when he chose to be the lawyer he is now. But it will be his choice. I owe him that too. So if it never gets out there, trust me when I say that most of the stories are very wrong about him. He was better than they say. And sometimes worse. He was an amazing friend and a terrifying enemy, and none of the stories fully grasp the whole picture. He was a Cowboy, through good and bad, in life and in death. He succeeded and he failed. He was the best and the worst of us. He was, in the end, human.