The Ruby Ridge standoff entered its most deadly phase when US Marshals killed Randy Weaver’s son and a family friend killed a US Marshal. The US Marshals called for help, and hundreds of FBI, ATF, and US Marshals arrived by the next day to demand Weaver’s surrender. Hostage Rescue Team snipers were deployed to overlooks with orders they described as “shoot on sight” in nature. When Weaver, his daughter, and the family friend exited the house to see to his son’s body, they were waiting. An FBI sniper shot Weaver in the back, sending all three running back to the house. Weaver’s wife opened the door so they could enter the house, and as the family friend ran in, the sniper shot him in the chest. The bullet passed through him, through the door, and killed Weaver’s wife. And so the Ruby Ridge standoff entered its final stage.