I like to listen to music when I write stories, and I have a play list specifically for that. Running Up That Hill by Placebo is one song on that list. The Kate Bush original is also on the list, but the Placebo cover will be the one I use when it comes time to write a story. It will be a death scene, written from the point of view of one of the Cowboys who died during The War. It will cover the moment they realized if they took one more step forward, there would be no coming back. And then, because others would die if they didn’t, they took the step and threw everything they had into getting the job done before they fell. I’ve never seen the official video, so all I have is the sound of the song to go by, but that is what it has always sounded like to me. And that is the story I will write while that song is playing. One of these days. 🙂