Dawn DeMarco spends most of her time on Earth now. Kansas to be precise. On Jesse’s old farm. Their farm now. She never mastered the art of dressing like a Kansas farm wife, though. She could if she wanted to, but she has steadfastly remained on the side of holding onto as much of her home culture as she can. That has manifested in her always dressing up wherever she goes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in a t-shirt and blue jeans, even when she goes out to do farm work. She’s got work dresses for that, so she doesn’t tear her dress dresses to ribbons while dealing with a stubborn cow or an angry chicken. Yes, she knows that blue jeans would be more practical, but there are some things she is just too stubborn to wear. And she’s infected the local farm wives with her fashion sense, to the mixed annoyance, bemusement, and approval of the local farmers.