I ran another game demo on Friday. The first Friday of the month per my agreement with the game store owner. It was another good day of demoing Alpha Strike, a fun time was had by all involved, and the little tool I designed and printed off worked well. It is a 2 inch by 6 inch piece of playing card paper with the mech and vehicle critical charts on it. We used it a lot. One thing I realized is that I need a sheet to hand out to players with various links on it to show them where they can get resources to play the game at home. It’s been over a decade since I’ve demoed games, and even the way we network online has changed radically in that time. We did everything on message boards back then. I don’t think I was even on Facebook. Alpha Strike was still a subset of the BattleForce rules that a few of us were pushing as the future of BattleTech. Thank God I committed to running demos the first Friday of the month only. It gives me time to adjust to all the changes.