Me, Rosalie, and Rosalind were partners in the tour guide service from basically the moment we were old enough to do the tour guide thing until… until all of that ceased to matter to any of us. Even them getting old enough to realize they liked boys didn’t break up our little working group. We were basically the perfect team, and me and them had this whole act we could do tied up and blind folded if need be. The vacationers loved it, and the tour service kept us together all the way through high school and beyond. Them dating other boys didn’t break up our working group. Even me starting to realize they were girls, and that girls were kinda awesome in a lot of ways I hadn’t thought about before then, failed to break us up. I thank God that those two girls were smart enough to handle me with a deft hand when I got rascally. They never humiliated me, or led me on in any way. They never made me settle with just being friends. Friendship was the goal with them.