I was playing games with friends on Saturday when the news came down. We looked at each other and said that it was time for that. We were not surprised. We’ve been studying the rhetoric put out by the Democrat leadership, the Left, and the Main Stream Media, but I repeat myself, for the last decade and this is where it was all leading. They’ve been calling him Hitler, authoritarian, a dictator, a rapist, a traitor, and more over the last decade. They’ve called his supporters Domestic Terrorists and threats to America. They’ve assaulted and sometimes killed Trump supporters who came to Trump rallies. It was only a matter of time before someone took a shot at Trump himself. The question wasn’t if, it was when and who. In this case, it was a twenty-year old kid who lived his entire conscious life hearing this rhetoric from the Left. He didn’t ask to grow up surrounded by Left wing violence. But he did, and he killed a firefighter before going down. And that is truly tragic.