Computers are a quantum leap in our economic capability. Computers make it easier and quicker to write stories for authors, to do accounting for businesses, to calculate orders and final bills in EVERY business, artists use computers to save their art and transmit it to the web, and there are a host of other uses. Almost every business in the world has at least one desktop or laptop computer where they do their accounting. But access to a computer at home has never been total. It peaked at around 90% back in the teens and has dropped back down to around 80% in the 20s because some people only have phones now. And the increase in remote learning only schools in the last 4 years means that many students don’t even have access to what became a hallmark of American schools in the 90s. The computer lab. A significant number of students graduating from high school this year did not know how to use a computer. Had never used a computer. Had to be trained how to use a mouse and keyboard, how to start a program in windows, and a host of other things every single student learned in the past. I find that terrifying. I don’t think any of us realize the effect that is going to have on our economy moving forward.