As I have said before, I had health insurance before Obamacare. It was around 100 bucks a month, covered the first 1,000 bucks a year, and then stepped away until I hit the deductible of 6,000 or 8,000 dollars. It’s been a while, so my memory is a little foggy on the deductible. Obamacare ended that plan and I couldn’t afford the replacement that was four times the cost at the time.

Fast forward six years and I got a cash settlement from the insurance company for the accident I was in last year. I paid those medical bills and put the remainder in a savings account to pay for a new Obamacare plan. It has a premium of over SEVEN hundred dollars a month, but I have enough from the settlement to pay the plan for one year. Then I have to figure out what to do after that. But having insurance is good, right? It helps pay your medical costs if you have them, right?

Well, I went to my local clinic for my first “yearly checkup” in six years and I seem to have some issues. Some of them include lovely little side effects like “dead” if not treated, and they are trying to figure out what will help. I just got the bill for the first 2,500 dollars of the testing. My brand new Obamacare insurance paid 160 dollars of it. Total. Not joking. And there are more bills coming. The Clinic isn’t even close to being done with me yet, and I don’t know what the cost is going to go up to. And I don’t know how I can pay what Obamacare refuses to cover.

This is life under Obamacare. The premiums are higher, and the insurance covers less. This is the Affordable Care Act in practice. Neither affordable, nor caring, nor acting. Just a giant vacuum sucking money out of the pockets of the working class at an ever-increasing rate.