The Pennsylvania Star Fleet is composed primarily of destroyer squadrons, the better to parcel out squadron command positions to people with the right political connections. They have a higher ratio of squadron Commodores and fleet Admirals than any other American navy, though many of them do not live up to the standards that other navies require. Commodore Dana Murphy is an exception to that rule. She would have had a squadron command in any navy, and Star Fleet had recognized her outstanding talent by giving her one of their newest heavy cruisers. The rest of her squadron was much older, built primarily from ships retired from Federal Navy service decades ago, but a cruiser squadron of any kind flying the Pennsylvania flag is a rare testament to the trust and authority the Commonwealth is willing to give an officer. I am certain that she would have been promoted to Admiral within a year had Wolfenheim not left New Earth when it did. That trip had more consequences than even I anticipated.

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