Alex was one of those popular girls when I was young. She already had her life mapped out and ready to execute. She was going to an Ivy League ones, so she was taking all the socially high-minded classes. Then she was going to be a lawyer. Or a politician. One of those get-rich-quick positions, followed by a lifetime of appearing on news shows and talking about the latest scandal the media wanted us to care about. And considering how far the background checks can go for positions like that, she couldn’t afford to be hanging out with a do-nothing slacker like me. A single scandal could take her whole future away, so she never gave me the time of day. I still remember the day I brought Julie over to Alex’s house. Alex gave me one disgusted look and told me to leave. Julie wouldn’t let me go, though. Alex said I was bad news. I would drag her down. She said a lot more, and not all of it was printable in polite company. The thing is, she was right about me.