The Japanese who arrived in Los Angeles after the Fall of Japan were a shattered people. Many refugee populations cease to exist within a generation or two, absorbed into the host country, and are never seen again. America was built through that process of assimilating those huddled masses of humanity, discarded by time and space, yearning to breathe free. But the Japanese had something most other refugee populations lacked. Their Empress. She was a living reminder of who they were, and she started many new initiatives in the early years to unite her people, to keep them from fading into the dustbin of history. She created new youth and cultural organizations. She reminded her people to be proud of who they were, and to never forget that one day they would go home. She called on them to rise up and prepare themselves for that day. Many answered her call, including a sizeable number who claimed membership in the Kitsune subculture of the time.