Charles Edward Wolf commanded us Cowboys throughout The War. Then he retired and went home. His new home. Wolfenheim. A nice little colony world a few thousand lightyears from Earth. A number of Cowboys went with him. Some retired like he did. Some didn’t file that paperwork but still left to join him. That left the rest of us Cowboys with some problems. We didn’t want to keep losing Cowboys, especially to a colony we’d basically built. And how did we handle Cowboys outside the chain of command? So we talked it out and decided to create a new Wolf Fleet and draft Charles to command it. Which would handily allow any Cowboy who wanted to follow him a way to do so while remaining a Cowboy. Then we lost the retirement paperwork of everyone who’d already gone. Horrible shredder accident. We never did recover all those lost records. Charles promised to investigate the matter on his end, but he reports that even he has been unable discover who was affected by that tragic error. I don’t think we’ll never know who tried to retire only to be thwarted by that catastrophe. So sad.