Nightborn Peloran
I met my first openly-Nightborn Peloran during The War. I say it that way because if you don’t pay attention to the exact capabilities of the various Races of Humanity you might have missed what exactly these particular people can do. There’s not a whole lot of them compared to the others. I’m not entirely certain on the reasons for that. I’ve heard people suggest that there are a lot more of them than we never notice. I really can’t say if I went to school with any of them back in the day. I like to think I would have noticed eyes like that at some point in time if I’d known any. They’re pretty unforgettable. Though if I’m being honest, my adolescent eyes didn’t raise as high as the eyes as often as may have been appropriate. Now I can say that nobody I knew went to school wearing coal-black skin, though that’s less of a definitive statement on the matter than many would like considering their capabilities.
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