The United States of America that stood back up to fight the Islamic Jihad and the Cybernetic Wars was greatly different from the one that fell into the Second Great Depression. The State governments were firmly in control of national policy, and they had started a new wave of expansion. The Mexican Drug Lords and the Islamic States had bought control of most of Mexico and tried to expand that control into America during the chaos. The Republic of Texas and other States responded by rolling over the old border and striking them where they lived. The Mexican military didn’t fight them very hard. Or at all. Oh the parts of it bought by the Drug Lords or the Islamic States fought to the death. The rest…didn’t. It was a strange alliance of invader and defender where each recognized that the Drug Lords and Islamic States were the real threat. And when it was done, the American States held defacto control of Mexico with a military that liked them better than their own political leaders. Then the American States helped them rebuild. That is the very brief background on how the Mexican States joined the United States of America.