Jack of Harts Commentaries
The new Second Great Depression-era Constitution allowed local areas to formally leave the States they were part of to form their own States. They would need Federal recognition, which generally came swiftly if they had a large enough population base. The Indian Tribes of the time did not have enough population to match the requirements, in individual terms. They were certainly large enough as a whole, though, and the Indian Nations quickly joined the America Federal government as a non-contiguous Nation State with small enclaves all over America. Many have become States in their own right as their populations increased in the centuries that followed, and The Indian Nations command immense wealth and power in Jack’s day. They are certainly one of the great “State alliances” of the time, even if they never use the term State in their own internal documentation. They are Nations, and proud of it. They are simply allied with other nations to promote the common security of all.
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