I saw the first episodes of The Mandalorian this weekend, and I’m going to give it the biggest compliment I can think of. They tried to make it feel like Star Wars and they succeeded. They took elements of stuff we saw in the Star Wars films and showed them to us in new and awesome ways. They made it look and feel like Star Wars, while also being a new and good story that feels anchored in that universe. They didn’t try to reinvent or subvert the universe. They looked at Star Wars, what it built, and simply made a new and entertaining story based on those elements.

That is what most Star Wars fans want. That is why it is generating massive support amongst the fanbase, and now I am one of them.

I’ll further go on to say that this is the first Star Wars story to come out of Disney that would actually fit in the Star Wars universe I grew up with. The Mandalorian feels like it is placed after Admiral Thrawn was killed and the Empire collapsed into rival warlords fighting for the scraps. And then there is the New Republic trying to make something new and better but not people on the outskirts consider it more a joke. So the rest of the galaxy is stuck…doing…this…

It’s an awesome story and I love it. I give it two disintegrations.

Three. Four. Five. Really, Mando? SIX disintegrations? Darth Vader was RIGHT to add that little caveat to his contract with your predecessor. *sighs* Seven? Now you’re just showing off…