The Socialist Republic of Juneau Life Debt was originally imagined as the debt every person owed Juneau for giving them life. It was a running average, applied at birth, or the creation of the Life Debt system, to every person in Juneau. It could be adjusted as time went on, based on the average costs, or on specific activities of the individual person in question. If they caused trouble, or generally caused more expenses for Juneau, their Life Debt could be increased. While if they did valuable service that helped Juneau, their Life Debt would be decreased. Every service from plowing the fields to performing government paperwork decreased the Life Debt, with the obvious goal being to perform your assigned service until you zeroed out the Life Debt and earned the…right to life itself. The key concept was that a person’s life belonged to Juneau until they achieved a Zero Balance. That was the secret of the Life Debt system. Its greatest strength and greatest weakness at the same time. It was the goal that all people in Juneau sought, and far too few achieved.