Once the Socialist Republic of Juneau’s Debt Collectors were outlawed in most of the world, they were transformed into more of a secret police or spy agency. Trained to blend into the outside world, they went out to hunt those who had run out on their Life Debt in secret. It was a dangerous job, as most States placed a heavy prison sentence on known Debt Collectors, and the Knights Errant made it one of their primary duties to stop them when discovered. But there was never a shortage of volunteers for the service. The perks were legendary. They could eat at the most expensive restaurants, drive the fanciest cars, and attend the best society events, and all of their expenses were billed to the Life Debt they were assigned to track down. Debt Collectors lived a life even better than most Zero Balancers back home, with even more freedom to do whatever they wanted. The only requirement was that they continue securing Life Debts for Juneau, and in return any questionable activities would be overlooked. It was all done in service to Juneau, after all, and extremism in defense of the State was simple patriotism.
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