Yeah…I just passed my birthday again. At over forty, that puts me solid into the middling of my years, unless my plan to live forever works out. Then I’m just starting on this merry go round. 😉

I got a bunch of birthday wishes, the first one coming from Hallmark. Fitting I suppose. Then a bunch of random e-mail from companies whose newsletter mailing lists I’m on. Thank God I didn’t get one from Bloomberg. Then some people I actually know. Thank you. All of you. 🙂

I got in a fun game of BattleTech, where both me and a friend who will remain nameless for his own protection found out just how powerful electronic warfare can be. C3 for those who know it. For the rest of you, think of it as really good equipment for shooting stuff far away as if it is really close. It was a good game. It was a fun game. And spending time playing is always a good way to spend a birthday weekend. We also ate Indian, so it was a good time all around.

On a not-so-good point, one of my favorite authors released a new list of fans that made it into his work, and it appears my part has been edited out. He wrote me in after a call for names with the standard qualifications that nothing is guaranteed and that editing phase can take anybody out. And from what he said, this particular editing phase was particularly complicated with many scenes cut and added. Given matters are as they are, I expected I would be edited out, but it still disappoints me to see it happen. And finding out about it on my birthday weekend was a real bummer.

Outside that, on a personal update, I’m still writing my stories and about to publish a new one. Two are pretty much ready for it, but I’ve got real life matters to look at first. Taxes. Woohoo. And the not-so-fun job of seeking an eviction for homebuyers who decided they were going to stop paying me money for the house. So I go to court in a week. I’ve successfully gone over forty years without spending time in a courtroom, now a pair of squatters has me seeking it out. On the plus side, if I can get them out, and find someone else to buy the place and really give me actual money for it, I get to rebuild the retirement savings I lost to Obamacare. Which is pretty much a really good reason to go through with all of this lawyer and court stuff.

So Happy Birthday to Me. 🙂