The Republic of Texas
The firefight between the Texas State Guard and “certain undisclosed elements of the United States Armed Forces” in Dallas, Texas is one of the reasons many people in Texas still call the Second Great Depression the Second Civil War. They came under Presidential order to free the FBI agents arrested while attempting to arrest the previous President’s Chief of Staff, who was also the incoming Attorney General of Texas. It was a monumental showdown between the authority of the Federal government and the willingness of the States to accept it. But in the eyes of Texas and many other States, the new President had lost any morale authority when he Impeached the previous President and the Vice-President so he could take the reigns of power. And then went on to conduct outright voter fraud to maintain his position. The fact that the previous President was both a past and the incoming governor of Texas was the proverbial icing on the cake. The firefight began with a single warning shot across the bow of the lead incoming black helicopter. The helicopters returned fire with all weapons. It ended ninety seconds later with thirty dead and one hundred wounded Texas State Guard soldiers, and six flaming wrecks that had been helicopters belonging to the United States of America. There were no survivors.
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