The Republic of Texas
Los Alamos declared official neutrality between the State and Federal governments during the Second Great Depression. They were a private enterprise by then, even if they received heavy funding from the government. That allowed them to stay out of the worst chaos, though some of it still found them. The Rogue AIs attacked of course. As did the Islamic State of Detroit, after their Imam declared that all AIs were an affront to Allah and must be destroyed. The two organizations worked together to perform several strikes that did a great deal of damage to Los Alamos and their widespread network. That led Los Alamos to support Texas through to the end of the Islamic Jihad and the Cybernetic Wars. But they steadfastly refused to rejoin the Federal government or to swear loyalty to Texas or any other State government. They were scientists, devoted to research and learning, and they were well and truly done with government middle managers or political hacks meddling in their affairs. The Los Alamos Network would pursue science, without any further interference from those who did not understand the meaning of the word.
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