Our society is built on the idea of Law and Order. There are laws written to promote the public order, and those who violate them will be punished if found guilty. No matter who they are. Rich or poor. This system was built in answer to an abuse of Law and Order by the British, and is the foundation of the society we have built in America.

And yet some of our citizens protest now, saying that the system oppresses them rather than protects them. They point to alarming examples of abuse where they live, and demand change. And the vast majority of Americans agree with them. Such examples of abuse should be punished to reduce the chances that such abuses become acceptable and commonplace.

We do not want to see people getting killed in the street. Or people’s houses broken into without warning and their residents killed. We all agree that this is bad and that reforms must take place. For the good of all Americans. Because one of us oppressed is all of us oppressed.

That is why Law and Order works. If we all accept the law, and we all accept the consequences of breaking the law, then order for everyone is achieved. A civil society is achieved. A society where we all have a chance to succeed on our own merits. Our own plans. Our own initiative. Without someone else taking it from us.

The key here is to reform those areas where these abuses take place so they can rise to the level of those parts of America where they don’t take place. A rising tide raises all ships after all. I do not wish to see all of America sink to the level of these areas. I like living in a place where such abuse is rare and not tolerated. Where Law and Order is enshrined and accepted. I want all of us to live in such an America. I fervently hope we can make the needed reforms, in the places most in need of such reforms, to make certain the American Dream is extended to all of our people.