After Contact, the Peloran medical treatments cured our worst diseases, and gave us the long lives that are common now. And in a very few cases, we stopped aging at all. We became Ageless. It took us some time to realize how important Ageless were. At first, all we saw was the shiny new gravitic technologies that could bring us to the galaxy at large far faster and safer than the mere rockets we flew the year before. At first.
After we The War, me and Betty spent some time touring with T&J. Those two girls are amazing. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them. We traveled to so many worlds at first, but never really got to enjoy them. We sang at the starport and left, never experiencing much beyond it. I finally talked them into taking time to smell the roses. Or maybe Betty tuned their hyperdrives to go faster and we forgot to tell their scheduling agents. Oops.
Everyone has to make a choice on what to do. None of us really have to work anymore. Thanks to the Peloran, energy is free, and with energy you can do whatever you want to do. Ships like me just top off at gas giants or other places like that, and we can fly forever. It is amazing to be free like that, to be able to go wherever you want, whenever you want. We Cowboys have our jobs of course, but we all chose them. One day, I hope you will find out what they are.
There is no such thing as a civil war. Wars are messy, nasty business. When family goes to war, matters are the worst they could ever be. I knew what Charles was up to the day I was born. I chose to live so I could help him. I mourn every one who died because of the choices we made, the mistakes we cannot take back. But I would not change that most basic choice that gave me life. To help Charles, whatever the cost. And the costs have been high.
My family saw the Ageless as a Peloran plot to take over the human race. I was the only member of the Family who was Ageless. They used my mind to further Family interests, but never trusted me, never placed me in positions of true power in the Family. They never forgave me for using Family funds to build a colony, in Peloran space, welcoming of Ageless. I knew they would not. I underestimated how far they would take their grudge though.