I think I need to clarify something. We aren’t united. The Terran race. It started during the Second American Revolution. We stopped buying. They stopping making. Global Depression happened. The United Nations turned into a bi…bicker fest. It didn’t last. We almost didn’t make it back to space. We didn’t go out together. And the Shang didn’t unite us.
A long dead man said we had to water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots. Well, that happened in the 18th Century when we stood up against the Kings, and the 21st against the Socialists, and the 24th against the Shang. I watered a fair bit in that last one. I really hope I don’t have to again. Difference is, I’m prepared to. If you’re reading this, I hope I watered well.
Jack spends so much time talking about himself, politics, war, and peace that I feel like I’m in some Russian tragedy. But when does he talk about his ship? That’s me by the way. I chose him to be my captain, my pilot, my closest friend and ally in the universe. It was, I think, the best choice I have made in my life.
They want me to say what it’s like to be immortal. Fact is, it’s pretty normal. We’ve had the treatments for three centuries. Barring violence, it’ll be another five before people start dying. To scientists, we’re awful interesting. Maybe in a thousand years I’ll agree, but for now at least I’m just another child of the Second Age of Methuselah.
They want me to be more positive, so here goes. For a century now we’ve had peace, I’m hoping a few more millennia of that have passed by the time you read this. We did good back then. We smashed them up so badly they’ve still not come back. The Peloran still stand with us. The Arnam…well…I hope they’ve rebuilt by the time you read this.