I’ve learned over the years that the Shang started The War because they thought we were a threat. The entire Terran race. They didn’t want to fight any of us. Terran, Peloran, Arnam, or Aesiran. They just wanted to stop us from becoming a greater threat to them. Of course, they could have just talked nicely to us if they’d wanted that. I’ll always wonder if we could have had peace with them. Well…we do now.
The Shang underestimated us when they attacked. They thought they could put on a strong show and the Terran would bow to them. Well, we didn’t. They underestimated all of us, both genetic and cybernetic. The Albion died even with the cybers helping them. We were young during that war. We weren’t integrated into human societies. Now we are. We are Terran. We are Peloran. And no one kills us and gets away with it.
In 1944, Americans and Europeans fought on the shores of Normandy, our armies fighting for the future of modern civilization. We fought against the evils of a government so powerful it could decide if entire races and cultures of people were worthy of living or not, and executing their judgment on those they found unworthy. Never Forget that lesson, for if we do, we will be doomed to repeat it.
On June 6, 1944, Marine Corps Snipers from atop Navy warships shot German soldiers and German mines. Marine Corps Scouts supported French resistance fighters behind the lines and helped keep the Germans from reacting well to the Marine-trained Army soldiers assaulting the beaches. Why didn’t the Marines join them? Well, the Army knew we would have stolen the show at Normandy if we had. Oorah.
We have traveled to many systems. In most, I left behind an instance to learn about the people. Sometimes I got jobs. I’m a teacher in some instances. Guest relations in others. I play games sometimes. I’ve done a little bit of everything, and whenever we’re near a Memory World, we stop so I can find out what I’ve done while I’ve been away. I have lived hundreds, thousands of lives, and I love them all. The one I love the most is the one that takes me to them.