After the Shang attacked, I joined the military and I fought. When it was over, I retired. You see, I cared about my fellow soldiers. But the government don’t care about the person, about you and me. The bigger they are, the less of us they see and the less of us they care about. They saw a number, not me. Now I see to myself. And if you make it worth my while, I’ll see to you too.
You know the Peloran don’t age either. They grow up and then…stop. To us, it’s the thing of legends and ancient stories. To the Peloran, it’s normal. The way things should be. The way they were created. They can’t imagine how we deal with knowing that our days are literally numbered. The really scary thing? Sometimes I understand them better than my own people.
They say that time flies, and it really does. They also say that that by the time you’re old enough to know better, your body’s too old to enjoy it. You know the amazing thing about being what I am? As long as I don’t do something so stupid it gets me killed, my body will never be too old to enjoy the lessons I learn. It’s amazing, and wonderful, and terrifying, all at the same time.
Some people say life is like chocolate. I think chocolate’s too simple. I say it’s like eggs. To some people, it’s all sunny side up. For others, it’s all deviled. And then there’s some that are hardboiled. Me? I wish life was that simple. No, actually I don’t. If it was, it’d be boring. But I do see life and eggs the same. All eggs are scrambled.
Hello, my name is Jack. I’ve met people that are evil. I’m talking black hat, big “E” Evil right down to the sinister laughter here. I’ve met others that are saints. White hats and all. Most of us though are somewhere in between. And frankly, in the dark of space, all hats are grey at first glance.