If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s that Mice know things we just don’t. They go places we can’t and they make excellent spies. They are sly little devils. If they warn you about something, you best be heeding that warning. They know things we just don’t.
I’m back now, and I think I’m better. I finally have a taste of…everything. It’s not enough, not yet, but at least now I know which questions need to be asked. At least now I know a fraction of what I don’t know, and that really is the most important thing. Is this the first time we’ve been to space? Was First Contact…really First Contact? They are interesting questions if you think about it.
I’m 5,000 Lights from Terra now, haven’t seen a Terran in 1,000 Lights, a Peloran in 500. I think I’m finally outside their zone of influence. So now I can start digging for history. There’s something the Peloran haven’t told us. Our governments haven’t told us. I can feel it. And out here I think I can uncover it.
I haven’t seen a Terran world in twenty years. The last time I did, a lot of people died, some of them my friends. I’m sure you’ve read their stories. We can be hard to kill cause of our training, but a bullet to the heart will still kill us dead. We all die sometime. Even me. You are after all reading this. I hope it’s an awful long time from now.
They want me to tell you about fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. It was dirty, hot, and dangerous, dodging bullets, watching friends…But you don’t want to know that. It’s the confetti streamers, the bands, and all those thankful California girls waiting to welcome us victorious uniforms home they want me to talk about. It’s not those dreams that wake me up at night though.