So here’s the thing. Thunderbirds don’t speak English. They don’t speak any human language. They’re beaks can’t emulate our sounds at all. And it’s the rare human that can speak their words. Parrots can talk both ways, which is real useful if you can stomach being around parrots for long. Me, I get annoyed with them quick. But the Thunderbirds thought about that before they came calling. Their computers could speak our languages just fine, so there was this nice, smooth, English voice speaking in time with the ship captain’s voice. English. British. Whatever you want to call it. Not American. Complete with English accent. That was one of the more surreal moments in my life right there. Otherwise boring patrol on the edge of a star system? Check. Big blue alien bird squawking at me? Check. Cultured English accent translating the words? Checkmate. I did not see that coming when I woke up that morning.