A gentleman does not kiss and tell, or NOT kiss and not tell, as the case may be. And while my qualifications as a gentleman are often questioned, I do try to play one in public. Now Rosalie and Rosalind asked me to answer the top three questions about us, very simply, so here they are. Yes, we have slept with each other. No, we have never been lovers. Yes, I know how many freckles they have. No, they are not the same number. It disappoints me so much that these are the questions people care about. The truth is that we were tour guides together for most of our early life. We took vacationers out to see the wilderness all the time, and we often slept overnight out there since the deep night is where some of the most amazing sights are found. It was easier for everyone if we just zippered our sleeping bags together than it was to fight every horny vacationer who “just wanted to share body heat” with them. If I had a quarter for every time we heard that tired old line…