Okay. Fine. Yes, I have kissed Rosalie and Rosalind. No, it was like kissing my sisters. Because, let me say this clearly for those of you in the back. My parents gave birth to one kid. That would be me for those of you who took the short bus in today. Then they helped raise a bunch more. Rosalie and Rosalind were there from the beginning. And my dad had a strict rule about us doing things together that would force him to go talk to their dad. He didn’t want to have that conversation, so he would make certain I regretted it if it happened. And no one wanted to mess with my dad when those Old World Scandinavian eyes went hard. Yes, me, Rosalie, and Rosalind had a lot of fun times. We loved each other, and we worked together and hung out together all the time. And yes, we slept together more times than I can count. Platonically for those of you giggling in the back! The key is, we never did anything stupid. More due to their good sense than mine, of course.