The Leftists and Big Media, but I repeat myself, have downloaded their newest algorithm and begun repeating the charge of “Weird.” What is so weird?

The current vice presidential candidate on the Republican side went around at the beginning of his political career saying that he thought the current political relationship between people who had families and children and those who did not have a family and children was not right. He thinks that people with children should pay fewer taxes. Should have more representation in the government. Should have more of a say in what the government does. He said that he didn’t like that so many people in the government telling the rest of us what to do don’t have families, don’t have children, and therefore don’t have the same kind of concern about the future that people WITH children do. People with children want to build a better world for their children. He questions if those without children have the same goal as people with children. I will note that he does not make a distinction between how a person becomes a parent. IVF. Step. Adoption. Birth. And when asked about it, he includes them in his definition of parentage, and supports them all as a form of becoming a parent.

The vast majority of the populace considers this normal. Leftists and Big Media, but I repeat myself, think it is “Weird.” I think that says more about them than it does about us.