The fine folks over at Raconteur Press have been putting out good anthologies of stories for a minute now. They are new, but they are very good. Nearly three dozen anthologies says they are doing it right. And I checked before I started submitting stories to them.

They picked one of the first stories I sent them, the Guns of Liberty. That one stars the same Captain Jack Hart of my main line Jack of Harts stories. And I’m rather happy with it.

They have picked up three more of my stories so far, and published two, with a character I wrote specifically for them because I wanted to try something new. Captain William “Bill” Carter, Texas Ranger, hunter of otherworldly creatures and other threats to mankind. I posted to social media some time ago that I was thinking about doing some monster hunting stories, and people had some interest in that. Bill Carter was my answer to that interest.

If you are at all interested in science fiction or fantasy short stories, I would like to recommend you to try out Raconteur Press. The ones I’m in and the ones I’m not. A rising tide raises all boats after all. And put in a review if you like it. They’re doing good work. There’s not much more I can ask of such a fine collection of folks.

Raconteur Press