Here we go again with another assassination attempt. It seems the guy decided to camp out on the edge of the golf course at Mar-a-Lago, in some shrubbery, surrounded by some friends. Backpacks with ceramic armor. Some nice friends with barrels. One nice one with a scope that is really good for long range fun. And nobody stopped him. Nobody realized this guy was there, camped out for half a day, before a round of golf that was not on President Trump’s public itinerary. A member of his close in support team patrolled ahead of Trump to make sure the next hole was secure, and he noticed a barrel sticking out of the shrubbery. That’s how close we were to someone assassinating Trump. One eagle-eyed member of the secret service patrolling ahead of the group saw something that shouldn’t be there and went rock and roll on the bad guy. We’ve already had First Assassination. Now we’ve had Second Assassination. How many times makes it enemy action again?