A Primer on the Races of Humanity – Arnam
Picture a man or woman walking down the sidewalk in broad daylight. Picture a bright pink trenchoat flapping in the wind, a bright yellow hat pulled down low over the face, a candy apple red scarf thrown carelessly over one shoulder, and bejeweled wraparound sunglasses glinting in the sun. Maybe add some bright green tennis shoes for good measure. This brightly, some might say offensively, colored Arnam stereotype is a stereotype for a reason. The Arnam have a love affair with colors, the brighter the better. Whether it be the glow of a neon moon or an infrared tapestry that normal humans can’t even see, the Arnam play with colors the way we place music. And a true maestro of color can be as popular in Arnam circles as a rock band or other musician is on Earth. Color is their highest art form, and they pursue it with a passion that can be nauseating to other humans.
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