Morgan wasn’t the first Thunderbird I met. That honor goes to the ship captain who hailed me after they arrived at Sunnydale. But she was certainly one of the first Thunderbirds I ever met. She’s not an artificial intelligence. Nobody wrote her code. She was a living, breathing individual in her first life, and so calling her artificial is considered a deadly insult to her people. She’s a Thunderbird in her second life, one with the computer networks, and effectively immortal as long as the networks survive. That gives her a very interesting perspective on life compared to those of us who’ve only ever lived in a biological body. She doesn’t have to worry about dying of old age, and death itself has no meaning to her like it would to us. If she is destroyed, she simply resets to her last “save point” and wakes up again. As long as the networks survive. That’s the trick, you know. The networks have to survive for her people to survive. She is one of the guardians who keep the networks safe.

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