Owain Reese
Owain Reese was middle-aged for a Thunderbird when we first met. Their average lifespan is no more than fifty or sixty years, you know. And even the strongest of them are naturally fragile next to us, but guardians like Owain are generally given military upgrades that make their bones stronger and improve their healing ability somewhat. What impressed me about Owain and the other Thunderbirds that joined us at Sunnydale is just how good they were at flying starfighters. They could match any Peloran or Ageless pilot I have known, and I have made certain to keep a record of Owain’s evaluation duel with Jack. It is enjoyable to watch him cut Jack down to size in a matter of seconds. That victory earned him instant respect from my Cowboys, and furthermore reminded my people not to underestimate the nature of the reinforcements the Thunderbirds had sent. Owain died not long after War’s End, of course. Old age. He is well into his second life now as part of the networks, but his life is different from that of other Thunderbirds.
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